Baby Food Purees: Tips and Recipes for Making Homemade Purees

Baby Food Purees

Introducing your little one to the world of solid foods is an exciting milestone for both parents and babies. One of the best ways to ensure your baby gets the nutrients they need is by making homemade purees. Not only are they easy to prepare, but they also allow you to control the quality of ingredients and customize the flavors to suit your baby’s preferences. In this blog post, we will explore some handy tips and delicious recipes to help you create tasty and nutritious baby food purees that your little one will love.

Choose the Right Ingredients

When it comes to making baby food purees, it’s essential to select high-quality ingredients that are rich in nutrients.

Opt for organic fruits and vegetables whenever possible, and make sure to wash them thoroughly to remove any dirt or pesticides.

It’s also a good idea to introduce new ingredients one at a time to monitor for any allergic reactions.


Start with fruits that are gentle on your baby’s digestive system, such as apples, pears, and bananas. As your baby grows older, you can gradually introduce more exotic fruits like mangoes, papayas, and kiwi.


Incorporate a variety of vegetables into your baby’s diet to ensure they get the essential nutrients they need. Start with mild-tasting vegetables like sweet potatoes, carrots, and peas, and gradually introduce more flavorful options like spinach, broccoli, and bell peppers.


As your baby becomes more comfortable with solid foods, you can introduce pureed meats and other protein sources like beans, lentils, and tofu. Be sure to cook the proteins thoroughly and puree them until smooth to avoid any choking hazards.

Master the Art of Pureeing

Baby Food Purees

To create the perfect baby food puree, you’ll need a few essential tools and techniques.


  • A steamer basket or microwave-safe steaming bag for cooking fruits and vegetables
  • A blender, food processor, or immersion blender for pureeing the ingredients
  • A fine mesh sieve or food mill to remove any lumps or skin
  • Airtight containers or ice cube trays for storing the purees


  1. Cook the fruits and vegetables until they are soft and easily mashed with a fork. Steaming is the best method, as it retains the most nutrients.
  2. Transfer the cooked ingredients to your blender or food processor and puree until smooth. For a thinner consistency, add a small amount of water, breast milk, or formula.
  3. If necessary, pass the puree through a fine mesh sieve or food mill to remove any lumps or skin.
  4. Allow the puree to cool before serving or storing.

Tasty and Nutritious Baby Food Puree Recipes

Baby Food Purees

Apple and Pear Puree

  • 2 apples, peeled, cored, and chopped
  • 2 pears, peeled, cored, and chopped

Steam the apples and pears until soft, then puree until smooth. This simple and delicious puree is perfect for babies just starting on solid foods.

Sweet Potato and Carrot Puree

  • 1 large sweet potato, peeled and chopped
  • 2 carrots, peeled and chopped

Steam the sweet potato and carrots until soft, then puree until smooth. This nutrient-packed puree is a great introduction to vegetables for your baby.

Banana and Avocado Puree

  • 1 ripe banana, peeled and sliced
  • 1 ripe avocado, peeled and pitted

Mash the banana and avocado together until smooth. This creamy puree is rich in healthy fats and perfect for babies ready for more complex flavors.

Experiment with Flavor Combinations

As your baby becomes more accustomed to different flavors and textures, you can start combining ingredients to create unique and delicious purees.

  1. Fruity Combinations
  1. Peach and Mango Puree: Combine equal parts peeled and chopped peaches and mangoes for a tropical treat.
  2. Blueberry and Banana Puree: Mix ripe bananas with blueberries for a tasty and antioxidant-rich puree.
  3. Apple, Pear, and Cinnamon Puree: Add a pinch of cinnamon to the classic apple and pear puree for a touch of warmth and spice.
  4. Veggie Combinations
Baby Food Purees
  1. Broccoli and Cauliflower Puree: Blend equal parts steamed broccoli and cauliflower for a nutrient-dense puree.
  2. Green Pea and Spinach Puree: Combine green peas with spinach for a vibrant and iron-rich puree.
  3. Butternut Squash and Zucchini Puree: Mix steamed butternut squash with zucchini for a delightful veggie combination.
  4. Introduce Grains and Cereals
    Incorporating grains and cereals into your baby’s purees can provide additional nutrients and help them get accustomed to a variety of textures.
    Rice and Oatmeal
    • Brown Rice Puree: Cook brown rice according to package instructions, then blend with water, breast milk, or formula until smooth.
    • Oatmeal Puree: Cook baby oatmeal according to package instructions, then blend with water, breast milk, or formula until smooth.
  5. Quinoa and Barley
    • Quinoa Puree: Cook quinoa according to package instructions, then blend with water, breast milk, or formula until smooth.
    • Barley Puree: Cook pearl barley according to package instructions, then blend with water, breast milk, or formula until smooth.
  6. Tips for Serving and Storing Baby Food Purees
    Properly serving and storing your homemade baby food purees is essential to ensure they remain fresh and safe for your little one.
    Serving Tips
    • Always test the temperature of the puree before feeding it to your baby. It should be lukewarm, not hot.
    • Never force your baby to eat if they show signs of disinterest or are full. Follow their cues and let them guide the feeding process.
    • Introduce new foods during the morning or early afternoon, so you have time to observe any potential reactions.

Storing Tips

Store purees in airtight containers or ice cube trays, which allows for easy portioning and thawing.

Thaw frozen purees in the refrigerator overnight or by using the defrost setting on your microwave.

Never refreeze thawed purees, as this can lead to bacterial growth and spoilage.


Making homemade baby food purees is a fun and rewarding way to ensure your little one gets the nutrients they need while exploring the world of solid foods. With a few simple tips and some tasty recipes, you’ll be well on your way to creating delicious and nutritious purees that your baby will love. So, roll up your sleeves, and let’s get pureeing!

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. When can I start giving my baby purees?
    Most babies are ready for solid foods around 6 months of age, but it’s essential to consult with your pediatrician before introducing any new foods.
  2. How long can I store homemade baby food purees?
    Purees can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 3 days, or in the freezer for up to 3 months. Be sure to label and date the containers.
  3. How do I know if my baby is allergic to a particular ingredient?
    Introduce new ingredients one at a time and wait 3-5 days before introducing another new food. If your baby experiences any allergic reactions like rashes, diarrhea, or vomiting, consult your pediatrician.
  4. Can I use frozen fruits and vegetables for baby food purees?
    Yes, frozen fruits and vegetables are a convenient and nutritious option for making purees. Just be sure to thaw them thoroughly before cooking and pureeing.
  5. How do I transition my baby to chunkier textures?
    Gradually increase the thickness of the purees by adding less liquid or mashing the ingredients instead of pureeing. You can also start introducing soft, bite-sized pieces of food for your baby to practice chewing.


  • Dr Sajid

    Dr. Sajid is a highly respected and experienced pediatrician who specializes in treating children of all ages. With a background in medicine and a passion for working with kids, Dr. Sajid has dedicated his career to helping young patients lead healthy and happy lives. He is particularly skilled in treating common childhood illnesses and developmental issues, such as allergies, asthma, and behavioral problems. Dr. Sajid is known for his gentle and compassionate approach to working with kids, and he is committed to making each visit to the doctor a positive and comfortable experience for his patients. His expertise in the field of pediatrics, combined with his warm and caring demeanor, make Dr. Sajid an excellent choice for families in need of a trustworthy and skilled kids doctor. Dr Sajid

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